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Mr Schnauzer
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
John Elam
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
King Texas
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
[NK] Iron Man [G]
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
Undead Sandvich
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_lcapDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Voting_barDeath pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Vote_rcap 
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» Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 3:28 pm by Zombiedance

Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 1:20 pm by Undead Sandvich

» Music..
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 1:59 am by Undead Sandvich

» Undead Sandvich(Admin application)
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 1:51 am by Undead Sandvich

» lol
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptyFri Jul 29, 2011 7:05 pm by King Texas

» Movie Team
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptyFri Jul 29, 2011 7:03 pm by Kenny530

» Fast Download
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptyFri Jul 29, 2011 3:24 pm by Undead Sandvich

» Looking for worthy men/women
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptyFri Jul 29, 2011 1:54 pm by Undead Sandvich

» Doodle's sex song.
Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptyFri Jul 29, 2011 1:18 pm by Undead Sandvich


 Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features

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Join date : 2011-07-09

Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Empty
PostSubject: Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features   Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 2:16 am

Ok so I realized that due to the lack of any penalty for dieing people don't take dieing to serious and it isn't that intense knowing that when you die to pop up 2 feet away aok. Soooo pick what you want.

1. When you die you have to wait like 5 minutes or more. ( Donators and admins don't have to wait )

2. Lose all gear

3. Lose everything but armor ( Not sure if i know how to do it but i can find a way )

4. Other ( Have a better [ hopefully easier to code ] idea? Post it!

Features I'm working on ( prolly will not finish some nor will I finish any anytime soon )

-Chance of getting infected by special zombies
-Cure for getting infected ( only works within a short time of getting infected )
-Ailments ( poison, fire, dizzy, ect. )
-LOOT!!!! ( I'm adding gear like every other day. Fat chance you will get any of it any time soon though )
-Physical radio ( I might finish this and broadcasting radios next week )
-Ability to broadcast with special radios
-More special zombies!
-Attributes ( I'm not even sure how to pull this off with tiramisu sooooo it will take a bit.... )
-ability to have sex ( I'll do it when I get bored its really easy to do )
-Random caches [ All ready done I just need to set it up ] ( Don't get excited you will only find shit )
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[NK] Iron Man [G]

[NK] Iron Man [G]

Posts : 19
Join date : 2011-07-17
Age : 112
Location : California(Pacific Time)

Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features   Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 1:59 pm

I think we should have to change our name and title everytime we die, but like keep our stuff.Or maybe wait but not like 5 minutes before we can spawn, people will just leave if its five minutes, maybe like 30 seconds in enough.

Well something below a minute and a half. 5 is just way too much.
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Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-07-09

Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features   Death pentalty ( Pick your poison ) and possible upcoming features EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 3:28 pm

[NK] Iron Man [G] wrote:
I think we should have to change our name and title everytime we die, but like keep our stuff.Or maybe wait but not like 5 minutes before we can spawn, people will just leave if its five minutes, maybe like 30 seconds in enough.

Well something below a minute and a half. 5 is just way too much.
The only problem with doing like 30 seconds is its still not really a "SHIT I DIED!" reaction.
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